• Step 1 : Promoter Group (Founders + Promoter Investors) will contribute the equity
  • Step2 : Long-Term Investors will contribute to capital in the ratio of 1:4 (Equity/MC)
  • Step3: Financiers/Mortgage Provider will provide funding in the ratio of 1:4
  • Upon conclusion all profits will be distributed to respective investors and promoters
  • Step 1 : Promoter Group Invest £50 million
  • Step 2 : LTI will provide £200-£250 million as capital for Ten years.
  • Step 3: F/MP will commit to £800 million – £1 billion for the fund.
  • Fund size will be £1 billion – £1.2 billion
  • Fund will be fully secured backed by Prime properties in The United Kingdom

Founder will act as fund manager or special advisor and will earn management fee @ 2 %  of the fund  and will have partnership above 20% return on 50/50 basis.